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Finding a Splitwise Alternative

With the recent changes in Splitwise where you are limited to only 3 expenses per day, or you can upload expenses but have to see ads always, I thought of finding an alternative with similar or more features.

I focused only on the main Platforms / Solutions available and those that are free. I also looked up for OpenSource alternatives that I could host and, in that way, ensure that my data will be handled properly.

Below is a table of the different solutions, some of the main features that I’m looking for and some more detailed information.

Table of comparison of Expenses management platforms

Last update made in 2024-08-24

Feature Splitwise Splid Tricount Sesterce Splitser Settle Up Splitpro Spliit
Description Able to share expenses, create groups, set categories and set simplification of debt App developed mainly to split simple expenses between groups Share expenses, set categories and more features (Acquired by bunq) App to track group expenses Divide and settle expenses in the app (also called WieBetaaltWat) Settle Up keeps track of your gang’s expenses Split Expenses with your friends for free (self-hosted) Share Expenses with Friends & Family (self-hosted)
Create groups Yes ✅ Yes (2 with free version) ⚠️ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅
Add expenses Yes ⚠️ (3 per day) Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅
Upload images Yes ✅ No ⛔ Yes ✅ Only premium ⚠️ Yes ✅ Only premium ⚠️ Yes ✅ Yes ✅
Set date of expense Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅
Categories Yes ✅ Only premium ⚠️ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅
Recurrent expense Yes ✅ No ⛔ No ⛔ Only premium ⚠️ Yes ✅ Only premium ⚠️ No ⛔ No ⛔
Split by percentages Yes ✅ No ⛔ Only premium ⚠️ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅
Simplification of debt Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Only premium ⚠️ No ⛔ Yes ✅
Default shares setup Only premium ⚠️ No ⛔ Only premium ⚠️ Yes ✅ No ⛔ Yes ✅ No ⛔ No ⛔
Notifications Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Only premium ⚠️ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ No ⛔
Multiple currencies Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅
Search Only premium ⚠️ No ⛔ Only premium ⚠️ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ No ⛔ Yes ✅
Charts Only premium ⚠️ Yes ✅ No ⛔ Yes ✅ No ⛔ Yes ✅ No ⛔ No ⛔
Mobile app Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes (PWA) ⚠️ Yes (PWA) ⚠️
Web App Yes ✅ No ⛔ No ⛔ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅
Sync Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ (in self-hosted you are responsible for setting this) Yes ✅ (in self-hosted you are responsible for setting this)
Ratings (Apple Store 🍎 / PlayStore 🤖) 3.5 🍎 | 4.0 🤖 4.9 🍎 | 4.9 🤖 4.8 🍎 | 4.7 🤖 5.0 🍎 | 4.8 🤖 4.8 🍎 | 4.8 🤖 4.8 🍎 | 4.5 🤖 N/A N/A
Number of users (PlayStore) 10 millions 1 million 10 millions 50.000 1 million 1 million N/A N/A
Business model Subscription and Ads Subscription Ads and subscription Subscription Unknown (No ads or subscription, just integration with payment platform Pay.nl) Ads and Subscription Unknown but it’s a free Open Source project Unknown but it’s a free Open Source project
Premium Price (Year) 20.99 EUR 2.99 EUR (One time) 9.99 EUR Only per group, 1.99 EUR for 30 days, 4.99 EUR for life N/A 18.99 EUR, 34,99 EUR one time to add premium to group N/A N/A
Data management USA company Germany (GDPR) Belgium (GDPR) France (GDPR) Netherlands (GDPR) USA Unknown (if self-hosted the data is only yours) Unknown (if self-hosted the data is only yours)
Other features Download files, activity log Offline mode Custom categories, add credit card for payments csv export, custom categories, offline mode, import from Splitwise/Tricount, others Integration for iDEAL or PayPal, import from Splitwise, no account Shortcuts in Android, import from Splitwise Import from Splitwise AI scan
Features with paid Unlimited expenses, no ads, default split settings, search, import transactions, receipt scanning, currency conversion, charts Unlimited groups, export to Excel, categories No ads, statistics, split by percentages, pdf/csv export, search on account Notifications, shared premium with members of group, upload photos, recurring transactions, custom cover photo, change history, advanced search N/A No ads, expenses categories, upload photos, future and recurring transactions, charts, extra colors for groups N/A N/A

Short experience on each of the platforms


Website: https://www.splitwise.com/

Ok, this app works as intended, it has almost all the features that I would like to have in an app to handle groups for the short or long term. One of the small missing features of the free version is the default share setup (only available in premium) and the search. But with the recent changes, uploading expenses are much more painful. It’s a shame because it’s a great app.


Website: https://splid.app/english

I found out about this in a Reddit discussion. To be honest, it’s really simple compared to the other platforms, but what I also like about it’s that. It could be useful for setting expenses for a small trip between a small group.


Website: https://www.tricount.com/

This is probably the second-most popular app related to expenses. I really don’t know why it’s that popular, there are some expected features that are not available, and I after being acquired by bunq I expected to have more useful features and evolution, but that’s not the case. The interface feels old and features like recurrent expenses or web applications are not there.


Website: https://sesterce.io/

I never heard about this app, and to be honest, it is one of the best contenders to fulfill all my requirements. What I found a bit odd is that multiple great features are behind a payment, like notifications, but it’s not that expensive and provides an even more complete experience. (If I could complain about something, it would be the serif tipography chosen and the colors, not a fan).


Website: https://splitser.com/

Another great contender, the only issue is that the default share setup is not available at all and that the business model is not clear. It’s completely free and when this happens your data is the coin.

Settle Up

Website: https://settleup.app/

It’s a great app, but I don’t understand why basic features are behind the payment plan (a bit expensive, but the good thing is that it is per group and you only need to pay it once), like simplification of debt or recurrent expenses. Also, the management of data is done in the USA, not a big fan.


Website: https://splitpro.app/

This is an Open Source platform, but they provide the implementation for free (a bit tricky, as you need to pay someway for the costs of storing and processing information). I would recommend it if you install it in your own host.


Website: https://spliit.app/

Another Open source platform, they have some good features, but the lack of notifications is a big no. Also, they don’t have user accounts and you use just the unique group ID. I feel this is recommended when you are planning something and trust 100% in the members of the group, or you could also host it.


After all this, I think that a good alternative for my current requirements will be Sesterce and then Splitser. Sesterce is a well-maintained app with great features, and the price is fair.

If Splitser implements a default share setup and defines or shares a proper business model, I would recommend it over the others.

If this helped to nyou don’t forget to share this article and send me any suggestion through any of my social networks.

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